I've always imagined to take care of one of them, the one that will be the greatest dragon of all times. I would start taking care of it since I found it, when it has recently left the egg. It that moment it would be very cute, but then it would became a frightening beast (although it would see me as its best friend, and it will never attack me). After founding it, I would hide it from everybody and I would feed it. It would start to grow quickly and we would start building a friendship forever. When it were big enough, I would sit on its back and I would fly on it. It would be AWSOME, the greatest experience ever! Afterwards we would live adventures together until one of us die (that would probably be me, because they often live many years).

That is one of my cherished desires.
Hey, I am glad you like dragons. Her is a link about them below related to the history of dragons. I hope you like it.