Monday, 15 April 2013

I think that I've made a record

I don't mean a good record, actually. 
I mean that I should be ashamed of my record.
Well my record consist in the next: my football team haven't won a match in all this year! And we have just get a draw (where I scored the 2 goals of my team :D).
I know that I should be ashamend, because we have to be being seen as the worst team ever, but that is not true. We just have bud luck. For example, a thing that usually happens to us: we are winning the match and, when there just lack 10 minutes for the end of the match, they turn the scoring and we lose. That makes me feel angry and furious, but then I calm down and I accept what has happened.

Well, I expect you have laugh at my bad luck.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmm, maybe you should all concentrate in the last 10 minutes and you might win.
