Monday, 23 September 2013
I've received some presents for my birthday, which is very close. I've received three T-shirts and money, and on Friday will arrive to my home the new FIFA game, the FIFA14.
I've tried its demo and the controls are more realistic than they were before, so it will be more difficult to win matches this year.
These days are having place here in Barcelona the Mercè parties, and I went out with my friends.
Today a friend has shown me a funny song called "What does the fox say", from Ylvis. I've also listened "Stonehenge" from Ylvis too and it is pretty cool too.
Well, I'll start posting from now.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Last week
It has lasted for a month and I have been doing it in Aritex, an international company which its headquarter is located in Badalona, and is there where I'm working.
I'm in the reprographic department and we are just two people, a man called Fran and me.
I print projects designed by the engineers and sometimes I modified somethings in some projects, like wrong numbers. I sometimes delimit the lines too.
Monday, 8 July 2013
I love taking a nap
I started a job the past week and as I must to get up at 6:30 I started to taking naps because I am very tired during all then day.
I started to taking naps the second day of my job, it was on Tuesday. I realised that it was amazing taking the nap, so I haven't stopped taking them because you can relax a lot.
Today (Monday) has been the first day that I haven't taken the nap because I have gone to my grandparent's house due to today is my grandfather's birthday, so today I'll very tired.
Well, I'll end my post recommending all of you to start taking the nap, you will be amazed of its importance!
Monday, 1 July 2013
Now it's time to eat ice-creams, and they are very very good.
We usually buy them on the market and then we we eat them, instead of going out to eat one ice-cream.
It is time to drink tiger nut drink too. It's my favourite drink. It's amazing, I love it! It's refreshing and very good tasting. I love it.
Monday, 17 June 2013
I'm very very happy. I get up at 13:00 or later and I can do many things now.
For example, I'm watching the third Game of Thrones' season; the Confecup, also known as Copa Confederaciones (which I don't really know what it is) and the Sub-21 Eurocup (tomorrow is its final, Spain-Italy).
I will also read a lot, I will finish the Hobbit and I will start the first book of the Game of Thrones' saga, which is called Song of ice and fire. Then I will read the third of The Hunger Games, which is called Mockingjay and I'll start reading some philosoply books.
Long live to holidays!
The retakings' week is over
I also had to retake phylosophy and both exams were pretty easy to me. I think that the exams were very well to me, and I'm very happy.
The philosophy's exam had five questions, and each one worth two pints (so the highest score is ten points). The questions were not about concrete themes, so the exam was very affordable. I spent an hour and a half to finish it.
The maths' exam had more questions, seven. Its highest score was ten points too, but the questions had different value. I spent two hours and half to finish it, it was very long.
I'm very happy about them, I think that I can get a good mark. But the most important thing is that if finished all the exams and the school, so I'm already on holidays!
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Retaking subjects' week
The ones who has passed all the subject are already on holidays.
Unfortunately I have to retake philosophy and the first half of maths (because I passed the second one).
I've been studying philosophy for two days and I can't stand having to study all what we have done during the course again. I regret didn't passed the exams when I did them. I worked hard to passed them but I coudn't. The exam is in two days and tomorrow I will have to finish to study philosophy and do the general review.
Furthermore, tomorrow I'm also going to start to study maths (the math's exam is on Thursday).
I will do the philosophy exam at 8:00 and I will have the rest of the Tuesday to study maths, plus all Wednesday.
I expect to passe them or I will have to retake them on September (so I will have to be studying all the summer, a very boring and depressing thing, I think).
Sunday, 26 May 2013
I think I want to be a cat
She does nothing. She doesn't need to study, or work. She is sleeping, or playing, or eating, or drinking. She has no worries on her life. She has no stress. Well, she can have stress when she is being bathed, but that is just once per month!
You will think that it has to be boring for you, but that is because you are a human, who thinks all the time. When she doesn't know what to do (it would be when you get bored) she sleeps, instead of thinking about something (as all humans would do), because she has to do nothing on her life. She does not know what bored means, because she can not understand what is going on, so she has no worries, what get us that she doesn't have to think like us.
That is good about being a cat, that you don't know what are you losing for being a cat instead of being a human. Yes, we can have fun and all that, but a cat doesn't know that, because it doesn't think like us. It thinks that what it does it's what you can do in a life, so it conforms with its life.
So I think that I have get to the point when you see that what you really want to say is that you want to live in ignorance.
Now I am confused, but I think that I would still like to be a cat.
Final exams
The bad think about them is that they are all together, and you have to study a lot and you can't enjoy the life, you just have to study.
As you can imagine I'm in my final exams' period. I started two weeks ago whit chemistry. In that exam i got 8,2 and I was very happy, but I could have had more mark if I hadn't failed a simply rest (I was so silly!).
On the past week I had my physics exam, which I did wrong. I don't know my punctuation yet but it was not a good exam the one that I did. My friends said that it was not difficult but I failed many things. I am very scared about the mark.
Next week (which starts tomorrow) I have to do five exams in three days. On Monday I have physical education exam, on Tuesday I have to do the philosophy exam and on Wednesday I have a Spanish exam, a maths exam and an English exam.
I'll die!
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Friday evening
I got there at 21:15 with two Pepsi botles. Three more friends had to come yet. Two of them (Cristian and Eloi) are friends of my last school and one i from my new high school (Jaume). Martí has been with me in both of them.
First we played to a shotter game for 30 minutes, and then Cristian and Eloi arrived. We talked a little bit and then we sartated to had dinner. We ate pizzas.
Afterwords we went to the top floor and we played Magic (a cards game). I won. Next Jaume phoned to say that he won't be able to come.
After that we played to another cards game (I don't remember the name) which was quite complicated, and I just understood it playing.
I lost the first game but I won the two followings games.
Then we played Super Smash Bros Brawl at Wii and after that we play poker.
Later I played PES2012 at Cristian's PSP and when I was getting tired i went to sleep. They continue playing at poker. I think that Cristian won.
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Naruto's PS3 game
Yesterday I bought a Naruto game for my PS3. It is the second game of a saga called Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm.
I bought the second of three games that make this saga because the last one was released at the past March and it's very expensive (60€ more or less). The second game costs 30€ more or less; but I bought it secondhand, so it cost 14,95€ to me.
I'm happy because it cost very cheap and because it's a cool game, with great graffics and good moves and attacks.
Although I've just played once I like a lot.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Prova Cangur
It's an activite powered by the international association "Le Kangourou sans Frontières", and "La Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques" ("The Catalan Mathematics Assiociation") is part of it.
This year 3788 student participated in the zone that includes Catalonia and Andorra (this was my zone, because I live in Barcelona).
Today I've known the results! I've got the 300 place, so I've done it better than 3488 students! I am very happy about my result. I am in the best 7,92% of Catalonia and Andorra students, and I'm proud of myself.
Now I want everybody to know that!
This is the test web site:
We won!!!!
Now it's false! We won the last match! We won 3-0!
The funny thing is that we won because the other team didn't arrive at time, and the referee decided to cancel the match because they couldn't arrive, so we won 3-0 (this is the result for this kind of circumstancies). Another funny thing is that the goals are from nobody, so anyone of us can increase his goal mark.
Maybe the other team will complain and we will have to play the match again, because they just got there 2 minuts after the allowed time.
Although we have won a match, I'm not very happy, because I wanted to win it playing, not like we did, but anyway, we can say that we have won a match this season!
Monday, 15 April 2013
I think that I've made a record
I mean that I should be ashamed of my record.
Well my record consist in the next: my football team haven't won a match in all this year! And we have just get a draw (where I scored the 2 goals of my team :D).
I know that I should be ashamend, because we have to be being seen as the worst team ever, but that is not true. We just have bud luck. For example, a thing that usually happens to us: we are winning the match and, when there just lack 10 minutes for the end of the match, they turn the scoring and we lose. That makes me feel angry and furious, but then I calm down and I accept what has happened.
Well, I expect you have laugh at my bad luck.
Sunday, 7 April 2013
Blogging from my phone
I've recently download this app on GooglePlay, it's called Blogger and it's to post anything you want from your smartphone.
This is my first post from my phone and I have to claim that is very easy to use and very simple.
I think that it's a good idea to start posting from my phone because I don't know were is the corrector and I can't correct what I'm doing, so this is how I would have written all that.
The bad point of posting from here is that I don't know how long is it being, but I think that I will control it just posting more, because you always learn practising!
Well, I think that I will finish it here. See you soon!
P.D.: I want to say sorry because I have post nothing in two weeks, and I'm not happy about that. So sorry
Monday, 25 March 2013
Derivatives functions
He has recently told me that he will think about it these days and that he will maybe accept my idea and he will try to do it.
Now I'm looking forward to help him in this app.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
I've always imagined to take care of one of them, the one that will be the greatest dragon of all times. I would start taking care of it since I found it, when it has recently left the egg. It that moment it would be very cute, but then it would became a frightening beast (although it would see me as its best friend, and it will never attack me). After founding it, I would hide it from everybody and I would feed it. It would start to grow quickly and we would start building a friendship forever. When it were big enough, I would sit on its back and I would fly on it. It would be AWSOME, the greatest experience ever! Afterwards we would live adventures together until one of us die (that would probably be me, because they often live many years).

That is one of my cherished desires.
Monday, 11 March 2013
FC Barcelona 2 - 0 RC Deportivo
In this match we could see playing the first team in the Liga against the last one. Sure you'll guess wich is wich.
Barça started with unusual players (such as Pinto, Tello, Thiago or Song) because Tito wanted the better players to rest, 'cause next Tuesday Barça is going to play against Milan and this match is going to decide who classifies to the next round.
However, Depor played with its best players, but they couldn't do nothing against Barça.
I think it was an easy match for Barça, and that they could have scored more goals (at least 2 more: one Cesc and the other Villa).
In Barça, Iniesta was changed for Thiago; Busquets for Cesc and Messi for Villa. I don't remember Depor's changes.
I went with a school friend, who invited me.
I have to say that I liked the experince a lot, because I could see very good players just a few metres of me. It was awsome!